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JTSB adopted the following symbol as part of consolidation of our organizational foundation in March, 2012. We make use of it for publicity activities as our visual identity.



A sphere expresses;
-determination to sustain fairness and independency,
-will to carry out investigation into the causes of accidents, and promote prevention of the occurrence of accidents and mitigation of the damage, and global activities to contribute to worldwide transport safety through international cooperation.
Three lines respectively express air, land and sea.
The color of the sphere is an intermediate color between blue and green, which expresses safety.

Logo Usage Guideline

No third party (i.e., a party other than the Japan Transport Safety Board (JTSB) and JTSB staff) are allowed to use the JTSB logo, except in the following cases.
  (1)  You create products with the JTSB logo at the request of the JTSB.
  (2)  You are commissioned by the JTSB and create resources or materials as a part of that commission with the JTSB logo in order to indicate that the work is commissioned by the JTSB.
  (3)  You include the JTSB logo in resources or materials for an event that the JTSB co-sponsors, supports, or participates in, in order to indicate that the JTSB is participating in the event.
  (4)  You cite JTSB materials that include the JTSB logo.
  (5)  You put a link to the JTSB website by using the JTSB logo.
  (6)  The purpose is to contribute to the JTSBʼs publicity, and the General Affairs Division of the JTSB Secretariat has approved that.

If you want to use the JTSB logo for (6), please mail this form at least one month prior to the usage starting date.

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